I've been back at work for a week and a half now. Things are going alright. I've had a frustrating time at work with changing my name, though. Honestly, it was easier to change my name with the social security administration and the DMV (a 2-hour process...ugh) than to become Allison Miller in the computer system at work. There were a number of mishaps and I could write quite a bit, but the basics are that the IT department encountered some difficulties when changing my profile. After those issues were (mostly) resolved, I was asked to bring my laptop back for some updates. When I brought it to them, they went to reboot it and it crashed...completely. They worked on it over the weekend, but ended up completely reimaging it. Unfortunately, I didn't have everything backed up, and lost quite a few professional and personal files. The major personal file was the slideshow I created for my wedding, which I've been trying to recreate for out reception in Wisconsin this weekend. Also, a few days after the work laptop issues began, I was working on my home laptop. This is my slow-running, old, but tried-and-true Compaq. It, too, seemed to want a permanent rest. Jeff is going to do a few more things tomorrow to try to recover it, and the files. I really am praying that it can be saved. I don't want to think about losing all my pictures...and other files I had there. I have certainly learned my lesson about backing up documents, though.
Moving on, I've gotten back into my running mode, or I'm trying to get back to enjoying it. Jeff and I went downtown to see the marathon on Sunday, and to cheer on Kirstie, in her under 5 hour, rookie marathon run. Go Kirstie!
We also tried out Western Springs CRC this weekend and were, again, welcomed with open arms. It was the first time we were approached by the pastor on such an early visit. Other members also took the time to talk to us (and not just to play Dutch bingo, a big plus in Jeff's, and my, book!). I think the difference we've noticed is that the Western suburbs don't see Trinity students all the time, like on the South side, and seem to view us as potential visitors rather than simply students who will come for the Sunday service during the year and then leave. Either way, we were pleased.
I'm currently making chocolate chip cookies and the apartment is smelling delish...mmm.
I was just viewing my sister-in-law's blog and looking at their pictures of a trip to Europe. It sure looked nice. I'm a big fan of vacation!
That's all for now. My title tonight doesn't have a quote, it's just a bit of alliteration involving the start and finish of this post.