Well, I got four posts in, then the start of a new week overtook me, apparently.
I feel like I made good progress on the wedding planning this week. Evidence of this is that I'm feeling a tad less stressed about all that is left to do. Although I did have a nightmare this morning that involved missing my hair/makeup appt, Jeff forgetting his ring, etc. Seems like my stomach churns for no reason sometimes. I may round off this wedding with an ulcer. woot woot.
I've got one week left of work until vacation. That's something to be excited about, for sure. Today dragged, and we didn't get the usual go-ahead to leave at 3, which is what usually happens before a holiday. Oh well, seems like everyone else left early anyway. I don't feel like I've been there long enough to do that yet, though.
Jeff lived in Kenosha this week. He had a rough week at work, and it seems as though they're giving him a hard time for taking the time off to get married. Frustrating, as it's been planned for so long, and it's a pretty major life event. Go Corporate America! Kinda makes Denmark seem like a pretty cool place. It's difficult to communicate long-distance again, too. We're both tired/busy when we try to call each other. The cool thing is realizing this is the longest we'll be apart for (hopefully) a while.
I've been feeling pretty burnt out. I got to tonight and while my brain is on, my body said "Stop." I had hoped to finish painting the bathroom, but it didn't happen. I did get some cleaning done, though, so I feel somewhat accomplished.
Tomorrow I'm heading up to K-town for a shower/lunch with Jeff (I think), his mom, and some of her friends. It should be fun, and hopefully we can relax and enjoy the celebration for a bit. I think the rest of the weekend will be spent trying to tie up loose ends. We leave next Saturday, and I'm sure the coming week will go by in a blur again.
I think I'll attempt sleep soon - it's been a tired week (I think sleep came after 1 most days since last Thursday...hmm).
And here's just a life quote, good for me to think of now:
"If you will just start with the idea that this is a hard world, it will all be much simpler. "
-Louis D. Brandeis